
Minutes 9th September 2021

Minutes Uploaded on October 21, 2021

Minutes of the meeting of Dutton Parish Council, held at Dutton Hall, on Wednesday 8
th September 2021
Present: Councillors J Hargreaves, M Collinge, W R Holden, E. Parker, A. H Penny and M Whalley.
Clerk Mrs C Penny
2109.1. No Apologies for Absence all councillors were present
2109.2. The minutes of the meeting held on 30th June 2021 were confirmed by the
meeting and signed by the chairman.
2109.3. To consider Matters Arising from the Minutes
There were no matters arising that were not dealt with in other agenda items.
2109.4. Planning Applications
There were no new applications other than those circulated between meetings. The
amended plans for Dutton Manor Mill and the application for a ménage off Huntingdon
Hall Lane have not yet been decided by RVBC.
2109.5. Reports from other organisations
Knowle Green Village Hall Cllr Whalley advised the meeting that she wanted to stand
down as the representative for Dutton. Cllr Parker agreed to represent Dutton at future
meetings and Cllr Whalley will inform the Knowle Green Village Hall committee.
2109.6. Finance
a) Invoice for website £360 paid by the clerk A re-imbursement was agreed.
b) New bank mandate Requires 2 people to attend an appointment – The clerk to
arrange an appointment preferably on a Monday
2109.7. Platinum Jubilee June 2022
The Council have no plans at present for the Parish to light a beacon but councillors
hope to plant a tree close to where other trees are planted at the north end of Gallows
Lane. The choice of tree still to be decided, there is a tree guard belonging to Dutton
Parish available. (Currently stored in a barn at Dutton Hall)
2109.8. Correspondence
a) RVBC Parish Council Liaison Committee – Council chamber 16th Sept. Agenda on
b) LALC Local Nature Recovery Strategies
2109.9. To consider any other matters brought to the meeting
a) Meeting time Cllr Collinge enquired whether councillors would be happy to meet a
little earlier at 7.00pm. It was agreed to start the next meeting at 7.00pm
b) Website Cllr Collinge has had to reload all the material onto the website following
the recent update. She still has some work to do on this. The Council thanked her for
her time and input on this.
2109.10. Date of next meeting was arranged for Wednesday 27th October at 7.00pm at Dutton Hall, Gallows Lane.