
Minutes 30th June 2021

Minutes Uploaded on August 16, 2021

Minutes of the meeting of Dutton Parish Council, held at Dutton Hall, on Wednesday 30th June
Present: Councillors J Hargreaves, W R Holden, E. Parker, A. H Penny and M Whalley.
Cllr Collinge attempted to attend via zoom but the link failed
Clerk Mrs C Penny

2106.1. Apologies for Absence all councillors were present except Cllr Collinge who had
hoped to join by zoom link, but unfortunately this failed.
2106.2. The minutes of the meeting held on 26th May 2021 were confirmed by the meeting
and signed by the Chairman
2106.3. To consider Matters Arising from the Minutes
No matters arising which were not dealt with under agenda items
2106.4. Planning Applications
a) Application 3/2021/0440 Dutton Manor Mill amended plans. The Council considered that
the applicant had taken into account the concerns raised on the initial application and are in
favour of the amended application.
2106.5. Reports from other organisations
There were no reports from other organisations
2106.6. Finance
a) Dingle rent £2 has been paid by Mrs Clare Hyde
b) The clerk advised that all the relevant Information for the year end was on the website.
c) Cllr Collinge had earlier advised that the Council are required to update the website or find
new providers. Having compared with other providers, the current one Netwise appears to be
a competitive price. The Council agreed with Cllr Collinge’s recommendation of staying with
Netwise and going for the compulsory upgrade at £199 + VAT and the Premium package offer
for £250 + VAT
2106.7. Correspondence
a) LALC by email Boundary commission consultation on constituency boundaries
2106.8. To consider any other matters brought to the meeting
a) The Council expressed grateful thanks for all the time and work that Cllr Forrest had put
into the Parish Council during his time as a Councillor and the clerk was asked to write and
thank him.
b) Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Cllr Parker suggested that the Parish might
like to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee next year in some way. It was suggested that a tree
could be planted at the north end of Gallows Lane near where the telephone box used to be. It
was also suggested that it might be nice to hold a Parish Party – ideas to be brought to the next
Parish Council Meeting.
2106.9. Date of next meeting was arranged for Wed 9
th September at 7.30pm at Dutton Hall,
Gallows Lane