
Minutes 1st December 2021

Minutes Uploaded on January 26, 2022


Minutes of the meeting of Dutton Parish Council, held at Dutton Hall, on Wednesday 1st December 2021.


Present: Councillors J Hargreaves (Chairman), M Collinge, W.R Holden, E Parker, A. H Penny and M Whalley, Clerk Mrs C Penny, Volunteer assistant N Poovathumkadavil


2112.1. Apologies for Absence All present at the meeting.


2112.2.  The minutes of the meeting held on 27th October 2021 was confirmed at the meeting.


2112.3. To consider Matters Arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising that were not dealt with in other agenda items.


2112.4. Planning Applications

The council has not received any new planning applications.

2112.5.  Reports from other organisations

Cllr Parker attended the meeting at Knowle Green Village Hall and reported that the hall is trying to get licence for a film club. They are planning to redecorate the hall and put new curtains. The hall has received a quote which is more than they expected hence they will be inviting more quotes in the future.


2112.6. Finance

  1. a) To set budget/precept for 2022/23

In the current year most of the precept was spent on the workings of the website. Cllr Whalley proposed that the precept for the new year is set at £500 and the rest of the council were in favour of this. The chairman signed the form requesting this sum from the Ribble Valley Council.


  1. b) The council will use its reserves to register the Dingle.


  1. c) The council will be spending £50 towards planting a tree to mark the Platinum Jubilee of her Majesty the Queen.


2112.7. Councillor Code of Conduct 2021

Ribble Valley Borough Council has adopted a new code of conduct and has advised the parish council that they can follow the new code or they can adopt a code that complies with the standards of public office. Disclosure of Pecuniary interest was discussed and it was agreed to discuss the new code again at the next meeting. Clerk sent out the link to access the new code on RBVC website. The link is copied below:


2112.8. Correspondence


  1. a) RVBC has offered a grant of £500 towards Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Parish council agreed not to apply for this as the current plan is to mark the jubilee by planting a tree and to have a plaque near it to commemorate the queen’s jubilee.


At the next meeting, the Clerk will come up with suggestions of the best trees that can be planted.


  1. b) Lancashire County Council has come up with a proposal to permanently raise the age range of Clitheroe Edisford Primary School to 4–11 years. The school currently has a nursery section for 3 year olds.


2112.9. To consider any other matters brought to the meeting


  1. a) Drain Grills in Gallows Lane Cllr Whalley reported that her son had had a conversation with the men on the drain clear, trying to encourage them to clear the very blocked grills. As they only clear the drains on the map, they could not clear the blocked drain on Gallows lane.


The Clerk to ask County Cllr Swarbrick for advice regarding how to get all the drain grills on the map, particularly the blocked ones.


  1. b) Tree trimming-Cllr Holden volunteered that he would trim back the trees where the Dingle borders Old Clitheroe Rd.


  1. c) LALC meetings-Cllr Collinge said that she was willing to attend LALC meetings but had not heard of any meetings to attend. Clerk had no knowledge of a meeting but will advise if any are called.


2112.10.  Date of next meeting was arranged for Wednesday 26th January at 7.00pm

at Dutton Hall, Gallows Lane.